Tote Dumpers
Andgar's heavyweight tote dumper and the optional full in-line system is designed for heavier products in greater volumes including grapes, and nuts, and can be adapted to many other bulk product processes.
Andgar's engineers spent years perfecting our designs to streamline traditionally slower parts of your labor process, while ensuring a smooth, efficient flow of product through your facility.

The right options for your needs
Andgar takes pride in our ability to make quality equipment fit the needs of our food processing and packaging customers. The flexibility in design and build qualities of our large Tote Dumpers and associated in-line Tote System is unparalleled, and can automatically increase the heavy unit and bulk product flow-through efficiency of your production line.
- Accommodates standard and custom large-sized, large-volume totes, harvest bins, or pallet bins
- Andgar's modular designs allow for easy pairing with other related in-line equipment solutions
- Touch screen controls for easy menu changes and data analysis
- Optional hopper available for metering product flow
- Customization available based upon individual facility and product processing needs