Small Fruit Washer
Maximize the Value of Your Product
Andgar's berry and small fruit washer is designed for blueberry, raspberry, and strawberry processors, and has been adapted to other products. Its a perfect addition to a complete, custom small fruit or berry processing line from Andgar Food Processing Equipment.
This washer combines multiple spray nozzles with a powerful pump that agitates or bubbles the water to gently and thoroughly clean your berries or other small fruit. Combined with a fruit cleaning agent, you have integrated a crucial step in effective in-line pathogen control.

The right options for your needs
- Built with food-grade stainless steel construction to minimize cleaning costs and maintenance
- Easy to install, operate, and clean
- Automated operation for continuous throughput
- Adjustable dewatering conveyor
- This small fruit washer is a part of the Andgar berry processing line, including automatic dumper with cradle, small fruit washer, dewatering shaker, inspection conveyor to incline conveyor
Custom configurations available to fit the needs of your facility